Friday 23 December 2016

The Key to Kargil.

The Journey through Ladakh continues..........

Soumajit Biswas

"Kargil"  A word that makes us remember the past of 1999 and the bravery of our Indian Soldiers. But the beauty of the city will create another picture in the mind to remember by.

The view of the sunrise from the city is mesmerizing. One will realize how lucky he or she is to get the glimpse of this heaven on earth.

When the sun gets up, you can see it playing hide and seek with the mountain valleys and you get to see a view like none other.

The roads looked like post card images.

People are simple, smiling and caring.

With so many beautiful memories, we have to say good bye to Kargil City. There are so mush more to see, thus the journey continues.

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